Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Play date!

Darling Baby Kay, today we had another busy day in store. As well as Jo Jingles this morning we had an afternoon playdate over in Loughall with R&E - R goes back to work tomorrow now that her maternity leave is up, and it was the last chance of catching up for a while.

After Jo Jingles we came home for lunch, and I had hoped you would doze in the car on the way over to R's - but you stayed wide awake, singing away to yourself until we pulled into their driveway, at which point you promptly went to sleep!

What to do?? Well, usually you REFUSE to sleep anywhere other than your own cot - you won't even cuddle up in bed beside me (and believe me I have tried to convince you it would be a lovely way to spend a few hours!) But you were so tired that you did sleep when we tucked you into E's cot - for the entire playdate! E played away quite happily and didn't seem to miss the fact that her date had arrived but hadn't shown up! And it gave R and I a great chance to catch up with only 1 little girl twisting around the floor!

It was very sweet when I went to get you to bring you home - you have started to take your tights off when you are wearing a dress - why?? Because you have suddenly realised that you can I think! When I put you down for nap you wriggle and wrestle them off quite merrily and then go to sleep with them in one hand and Moo in the other. The problem with this afternoon was that I didn't take your little slippers off when I put you down to sleep, so there you were, fast asleep with Moo and your tights firmly round your ankles where you couldn't get them off any further! I wish I'd had my camera, but when you are old enough to read this for yourself my darling I am very sure you'll be glad I didn't! Sweet dreams little love x


Jaime said...

That is a great story Fiona... I love that she likes to take off her tights... Her personality is showing. I smiled and laughed at the thought of her little stockings stuck around her ankles... Must make you wonder what frustration she may have gone through before giving up. I can tell that as she grows she will be quite adventurous. I wish I could squeeze her cheeks and play patty-cake with her. Please let your little princess know that Jaime in Nevada is blowing her kisses. Much love to you both.

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish had taken a picture too. Perfect to show her boyfriends later...

akawest said...

Sleeping through dates, play or otherwise, could prove to be useful in the future.

Kelly is right. Arm yourself with embarrassing photos. One needs proof to believe they were ever young.

BECKY said...

Thank you so much, Fiona for filling my days with smiles!! I can't help but smile...Amelie is so precious, and the way you write is, too!!!

You simply must have your blog made into a book...many books for her to read!! What an amazing gift!!

You just shine so bright!!
Blessings and hugs,

Lois Christensen said...

Trying to get out of her tights...like all the rest of us!! Do not really like wearing them myself! How sweet that she fell asleep for the entire play date!! What an adorable smile!!!

Elena said...

So cute! I love to read about what she is doing. Mary loves to take off her socks and go barefoot in the house. She is just a natural little gal. Have a wonderful day:)

Heidi Pocketbook said...

I'm thinking that if she's figured out how to get the tights off, she'll be getting her diaper off next. Watch out for that one!

ITA with the others, this is the time to snap those pictures....

A House FULL of Grace said...

How precious that Baby Kay slept through her playdate. If she keeps it up you won't have to worry about the poor influence of other people's children. You might be on to something here!

So funny that she escaped from her tights, but even more amazing that she was actually coherent enough to do it in someone else's crib and still went back to sleep! If only Moo could talk or contained a hidden camera...wouldn't you just love the details?