Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Ladies (and babies) who lunch!

Darling Baby Kay, today we went up to Holywood in County Down to meet a friend for lunch at her house. I met L at a workshop I went to about this time last year, when we were both pregnant. She was 43 weeks and holding fast, and as I was so determined to have a natural birth with you I was fascinated by her calm, and her resolute belief that her baby knew what it was doing. When Baby N finally arrived she was right - no woman stays pregnant forever! - and it gave me a sense of support as we clocked past 40 weeks, then 41, then 42 ourselves!

L is a wonderful person - Baby N is her second little boy and she is a real example of a calm, happy homemaker. We had a great lunch - talking about nursing, weaning, other babies, working, homemaking, crafts - the time just whizzed past. She made the most wonderful lentil curry soup, and then berry crumble for pudding, both of which you tried and loved! And you played happily on the floor with Baby N, just glancing over every now and then to see if I was still there!

L's home is a lovely, warm place too, with lots of pictures and photos around the walls, and things to look at. I have come home this evening with renewed vigour for putting up some more of our pictures and maybe being a little less rigid on the 'no-clutter' approach to homemaking. I think that sometimes I walk along the wrong edge of the minimilist line when it comes to home decorating!! Having nice things out needn't mean the house coming down with clutter! I need to leave the accountant behind and embrace the homemaker in me a little more. And I can start with something simple - finally getting curtains for the dining room and sitting room!


akawest said...

Okay, Blogger just deleted my comments. Let me attempt this again. What a wonderful visit you must have had. Lentil curry soup sounds delicious. I like anything curry.

Before you know it, Baby Kay will be drawing, painting, and producing an abundance of crafts, filling your home with treasures to display. Remember this prediction, which might feel far off, at the moment. :)

Lorri said...

I am so happy you had such a nice visit with old friends. I just do not do that enough. Thank heavens we dont stay pregnant forever. Those last few weeks are always the longest.LOL
p.s. we are planning a trip to Ireland. Hope to meet you someday!