Thursday, 15 January 2009

Booking through Thursday

Here is my Booking Through Thursday post. This week the question is about words for songs, and how those speak to people, so you can see what you make of this when you are a big girl!

Q: What songs … either specific songs, or songs in general by a specific group or writer … have words that you love?

A: My answer to this question would probably be different had I answered this question 5 years ago, and 10 years ago, and 15 years ago. My taste in music doesn't ever seem to change, but it grows broader and more inclusive as I get older. I do sometimes listen to the radio in the car, and I hear my Dad's voice come out of my mouth when I tell my husband, 'Now, that is not music - that is just noise....' when something very modern comes on. But equally I love some really strange contemporary things too, so there is just no telling.

I love songs that make you want to jump around and dance, really upbeat things that you can sing along too loudly, and badly, and watch your little face in bewilderment at all the unfolding nonsense! But lyrics that touch you are something else indeed.

The singer and songs that most speak to me now are ones that I only started to listen to about 2 years ago. Daddy introduced me to Joni Mitchell, and I sometimes have a wee quiet cry in the car when one of her songs come on (more so when I was pregnant and overflowing with all the hormones Mother Nature was pumping round my system, gotta love the way you become the Mother of all Living when your baby is dancing along to the music in your belly!) Her voice is so poignant, and her lyrics so affecting. The ones which really do it for me are:-

'I remember that time you told me
You said "Love is touching souls"
Surely you touched mine
Cause part of you pours out of me
In these lines from time to time'

These are from 'A Case of You' - and I actually have a version of Brian Kennedy singing this (from years ago) which I loved, before I realised it wasn't his song. I will play both to you when you are older and you can choose your favourite, sweetie.

And the other one that makes me cry without fail is from 'Little Green' - another one that blows the pregnant mind. I think I remember reading that Joni Mitchell wrote this for her little girl, who she had secretly while at college and had adopted without telling anyone. They were later reunited when her daughter was older, but having had a daughter of my own hearing this song reduces me to sobs as soon as it starts, just thinking about what she went through alone with her little baby girl.

Child with a child pretending
Weary of lies you are sending home
So you sign all the papers in the family name
You're sad and you're sorry but you're not ashamed
Little green have a happy ending

It is nice to know though, that having been reunited in later life both did have that happy ending.


akawest said...

Weird, I didn't know that you did the Booking Through Thursday meme. I did this one, too.

It must be so sad to give up a baby for adoption. I have a friend who did it. She gave all of her information, so that when the girl turned 18, she could fine her. She would now be 20. I don't feel comfortable bringing this up to my friend, since she doesn't talk about it. I do hope she one day meets her daughter.

My husband is adopted. We have never been able to find his birth mother.

On to happier subjects, namely your sweet daughter. She is the most photogenic little girl. I truly enjoy her photos. She looks so happy.

I will meet you in Savannah one day. I have never been there. Everyone says it is wonderful.

I want to hear more about your country music loving parents. That is wild.

I do want to comment more on your comments, but need to cut this short. Gary aka SH (sexy husband-makes him laugh) is coming home in a minute. At least the driveway and walk are cleared. It was well worth the money!

Pleasant dreams. I am hoping that you are asleep as I write this. Maybe good morning is more fitting.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I like the kind of music that makes you want to move and dance - my fave for a while has been Abba