Monday, 26 January 2009

5 things.....

Darling Baby Kay, tonight I am going to do another 5 things for you. This time I am going to do 5 things you absolutely love at the minute, in case I forget about them as you get bigger.

1 - You love labels - of any description. You can find the smallest label on the most complicated toy or piece of clothing, and once you have carefully examined it you give it a good suck and chew to be sure that you have tested it fully. Even the same toy time after time - you turn it over and around just to be sure it hasn't changed since the last time you checked it. This picture is of you with a lovely wee rag doll that J&J sent you for Christmas. Her label is actually underneath her clothes - you have to work her top up and untuck her skirt to find it, but it didn't beat you! Fortunately she is machine washable!

2 - The TV remote control is the best thing ever invented. We have a spare one that you can 'turn off' which you used to be fooled by, and would happily have pushed the buttons on but you know that the 'good one' ie the one you aren't allowed to play with, is the one you really want, and you'll make a grab for it anytime it's in stretching distance and we haven't noticed you heading in that general direction. The same is true of the spare telephone handset that Nanny has for you - you look at it, then at Nanny, and then back to the handset as much as to say 'But sure, there's no batteries in this Nanny!'

3 - Playing with the car keys - this fixes everything! Every tear dries up, every shout stops! You can even recognise the noise of them in my handbag if they are jiggling around.

4 - Mandarin oranges and Clementines - you eat these up like there is no tomorrow! I bite the wee segments in half so they are small enough for you to manage and you love squashing them around and gobbling them up!

5 - The weather forecast! No matter what is happening in the house, no matter what you are doing, no matter what toy you have (even the car keys....) EVERYTHING stops when the weather forecast comes on. And I have no idea why!! There is no jingle music for it, it doesn't matter what channel it's on (you don't seem to have a favourite presenter!) but once the weather map appears you are hooked for 30 seconds. You are definitely British my darling - already obsessed with the weather!!


akawest said...

Baby Kay and Bri would have fun together. She loves the weather, too. We have an entire station devoted to weather. After a bit, they start repeating weather conditions. How many times do we need to hear that it is cold and snowy?

Mmm, Baby Kay has good taste in fruit. Mandarin oranges are the best.

Be careful with the keys! My friend's little boy once flushed them down the toilet. I shouldn't be laughing, but 20 years later, it is still funny. I wonder if all little ones love keys.

Already she is too smart for you. Knowing the difference between non-batteried (not a word-oh, well) remotes is rather amazing at such a young age. Yeah, Baby Kay!

Now, we need some mischief. That's right, Baby Kay, it's time to start doing something a wee bit naughty I am sure moms of toddlers can give you some ideas.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

--- comments on your comments---
Your soup sounded yummy.

Anonymous said...

I love that she figured out you gave her a fake remote. That's one smart girl you have there.

A good friend of mine has a daughter who loves country music videos. She cries when you change the chanel.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! Love the memories this brought back for me on my boys. Love the remote story - terrific idea - adorable baby

Elena said...

I love this post. So cute! My daughter, Mary, has some of the same favorites as your little one especially #1, #2, and the love of mandarine oranges.

A House FULL of Grace said...

Looking back you will be so happy that you have made note of the things that Baby Kay is intrigued by and enjoying. It is much too easy to forget the details and then they are lost forever.

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Reading about Baby Kay's fascination with tags reminded me of my youngest dd, who we referred to as the "tag inspector" when she was a baby. If there was a tag on anything, she'd find it!

I love reading about her love of remotes. Both my girls went for those as well-and we didn't have any spare ones to try and fool them with.

Perhaps she will grow up and be a meteorologist one day.

Have a good day :-)