Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Something beginning with F....

This evenings post is a lazy steal - sorry Baby Kay! I am pooped this evening and when I spotted this on lovely Heidi's blog I thought I'd have a go here!

1. What is your name: Fiona

2. A 4 letter word: Fish

3. A boys name: Fintan

4. A girls name: Faith

5. An occupation: Florist

6 . A color: Fawn

7. Something you wear: Flip-flops

8. A beverage: Frothy decaff coffee :)

9. A food: Fudge

10. Something found in the bathroom: Floss

11. A place: Fermanagh

12. A reason for being late: Forgot to set the alarm!

13. Something you shout: Follow that car.....

And just for the benefit of Lisa - who thinks that I have a hotline into baby clothes - Baby Kay today is modelling yesterday's outfit again - which she miraculously kept 'food-free'. But you are right - if I had the money to use it as an excuse to avoid the laundry I'd be right there! Having said that, you'd be amazed at how little ironing you can get away with if you fold things straight off the line or out of the dryer!!


BECKY said...

Fun little quizzy thingy, Fiona!!
How are you and that little doll of yours doing? I have had a few minutes here and there to check in with people today, but need to hit the road!!

Hope you're having a great week, and that Amelie is just being her wonderful self!!

Blessings sweet friend!!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Fiona, IRON is a four-letter word at my house ;-) If it can't be washed and hung up straight out of the dryer I don't even buy it. Too many years of ironing dh's dress shirts and steaming clothing at the stores I worked in has made me detest it:-p

Hope all is well there and that the list is getting shorter☺

akawest said...

Amelie needs to teach BG that unless one is mining coal or something else extreme, clothing can be reworn. She insists on only wearing her blue jeans one time. Sitting at a school desk does not render the jeans in need of a bath.

I have marked this day on my calendar. I will make note of the next time a clothing article is repeated!

I love the way ironed clothes look, but not well enough to do the job. Besides, ironing uses loads of electricity. By wearing wrinkled clothing, I am doing my part for a greener world.

The woman at the post office (six to ten business days-at least Amelie is too young to understand the concept of getting one's act together) told me that she would gladly send me in the package. I am serious. I was complaining to a total stranger about how much we want to be at the party.

I can't wait to see the pictures!!!!

A House FULL of Grace said...

Ooooh...Fintan is cute, I've never heard it! Avery's middle name is Faith, so we like that one a lot, too. And why am I not surprised that your 'F' food is sweet...I'm salivating just thinking about it.

I wish I was better at folding things right out of the dryer. Every time I get caught up on my laundry, I declare that's exactly what I'll do for the rest of my life. And I do, for the next 3 or 4 loads!

Love from Camano Island, dear friend. Hope your planning is going well and that you're being gentle on yourself and those you love. ~S

Jaime said...

Oh... what fun. I like doing those types of things too. Thank you for your lovely comments regarding lindsey and I. You already started one step ahead of me by placing all of these wonderful memories in a safe place for her to see in the future. I wish I had saved more memories of Lindsey like this. It really is a treasure.

I agree on the whole laundry issue as well. Patrick is the type to wear 4 different outfits during the day. You have the work clothes he comes home in. The golf outfit. The working in the yard outfit. And last but not least the bedtime outfit. My life is surrounded by laundry. Sometimes if his clothes are still clean enough I just hang them back up and he doesn't know.

Have a great day.


Bridget said...

Fiona -
What a cute little post. Oh the laundry and trying to keep a two year olds clothes clean. One word -OXY- Clean. I have a continuous laundry sink filled with water and Oxy Clean and I have yet to find a stain it can't remove. Little Miss Amelie always looks so adorable no matter what she is wearing! Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!


Sarah said...

Hello Fiona! Just stopped by to tell you I was thinking of your sweet family on a certain someone's very special first(!!!) birthday party day ~ a one time celebration for everyone to enjoy, and share in love.

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Just dropped by to say Hi, and hope you are having a wonderful time celebrating Amelie's bday! Can't wait to see the party pictures☺