Wednesday, 11 March 2009

My new doll!

Darling Baby Kay - here is a little picture I took of you squeezing your new best friend! Her name is Lois - after the little girl of the friend who bought her for you. She told me as she gave it to me this weekend, beautifully gift-wrapped in Christmas paper, that she hadn't had a chance to drop it down before now, and that she had resisted the urge to re-wrap it in birthday paper and give it as an early birthday one instead!! Regardless of the paper - you love her! She is wearing gorgeous satin clothes that all close with Velcro - your favourite fastener! And you have great fun when we shake her lovely, long hair on your head and onto your face! At the minute she is almost as big as you are, so it will be interesting to see what you pair look like in future photographs as you grow and she watches!!

All my love, precious darling x


Jaime said...

What a lovely doll. Velcro is fun at any age.. LOL I hope you both enjoy a lovely Wednesday. Today is Lindsey's first day back to school. She missed Monday and Tuesday due to some bad allergies and a little sore throat but today she was up and about and ready to learn. Take care and Amelie you look too cute.!!!!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Amelie looks like she's having so much fun with her new dolly! I also love how her toy pig is in the background, looking over her shoulder surveying the scene!

I'm so thankful you're my bloggy friend,Fiona☺

Alice said...

so cute! my daughter has a few of this type of doll. she loved them when she was younger. Baby Kay looks so adorable with hers :O)

Elena said...

What a cute doll! Velcro works so well. Mary loves to take the clothes off and then has mommy put them back on! What a lovely present I'm sure your little cutie will have many fun times playing with her:)

Controlling My Chaos said...

That is the cutest doll. I love her hair and her face.

A House FULL of Grace said...

Baby Kay's sheer delight with Lois is completely obvious and contagious! I can almost picture her giggling hysterically at the yarn hair bopping her in the face.

I also am amazed, dear friend, upon taking a closer look at the picture, by the cd's neatly arranged behind sweet Baby Kay. The fact that they are resting on the shelf so nicely organized, side by side with her piggy, is a testament to your motherly expectations. And her denial of self will...a trait that will be very valuable as her days go on.

Praying you are all well. Our love to you today and always,
The Somma Tribe