Tuesday, 3 March 2009

5 things.....

Darling Baby Kay - this evening I am going to just pop down on your blog another 5 things for you to read when you are older. The list this evening is the new little things that you are doing.
  1. You hold each one of your little animal skittles up to me in turn when you are unpacking them from the bag, so that I can make their noises for you. Sometimes when they are all scattered around the floor about you, you will suddenly spot one again and hold it up in the air and look at me - as if to say 'What does this one do, Mummy?' You think my 'hee-haw' for your little blue donkey is the funniest thing!
  2. When you are reading your Peter Rabbit shapes book you trace the outline of the shapes on the page with your finger like I used to do when I was showing you the picture and saying the word. If I try to do the shape for you now you push my hand away!
  3. For some reason you have taken a new shine to my glasses! You used to try to make a grab for them when you were very little, but you stopped when you were about 6 months. Suddenly, recently, you seem to have noticed them again. You lull me into a false sense of security by pretending you are doing something else and then when I get close you strike! They are covered with tiny fingerprints at the end of the day.
  4. When you are having your bath at night you now splash like crazy!! You have always been quite active and wriggly in the bath, but recently you have started throwing your little plastic ducks around and holding them up to whoever is bathing you so they can drop them into the bath and splash you. You are still bright as a button and laughing at 6.30 in the evening when you have been up like a June bee since 7.00am!
  5. When you are getting your nappy changed if I say to you 'Two feet please' you stop whatever you are doing and lift your two feet up to me so I can kiss the bottom of them for you! You think that is very funny, and it is proving very handy when you are distracted by something and not very keen on being bothered to have to be changed!

Every day is another little something new, my darling. It is wonderful to be a part of your days with you.


akawest said...

Two feet please! That is so adorable. :) Smart and cute, Baby Kay is a lucky girl!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Gee, that must be what I did wrong when my girls were little--I didn't say "Two feet, please". Oldest dd was fascinated with a music box hanging above her changing dresser so that usually worked to distract her (at least at home....)

Youngest dd was always too busy to hold still for a diaper change and the only thing we could do that *might* work was to sing the "Water Buffalo Song" from Veggie Tales-and she'd join in with an OOOOOOOOO on the chorus.

And just in case you've never heard this song, youtube to the rescue:

Jaime said...

I love this post. I only wish I could have blogged more memories of Lindsey and I. Your precious Amelie is always smiling. You know she is happy because she has a loving caring mommy.... I loved reading this post. Loving Thoughts ... Jaime

A House FULL of Grace said...

I'm with Lisa and Heidi. I think "two feet please" is about the darned cutest thing I've ever heard! I can almost picture Baby Kay's laughter and hear your "hee haw" (does she know donkeys aren't really blue?. And in yet another crazy twist, it sounds like we might have the very same Peter Rabbit shapes book...I'll have to email you a picture of ours so we can see! ...And just a quick tip from personal experience...if you let Baby Kay splash you enough, you might actually be able to skip a shower or two a week!

Sweet, sweet, sweet, and I must agree with you dear, it is wonderful to be a part of your days with you!

Love and hugs to you today friend!