Now, as you and I both know little darling, Mummy can do some basic cooking things. But Mummy can't bake, and has never ever tried!! It always looked so daunting and involved, with so much capacity for a disaster. Well, I saw the loveliest recipe for shortbread cookies a few weeks ago on this blog, and it only had a few ingredients and very straightforward instructions. So I thought - since my New Year resolution is to learn to bake, and since I haven't done a thing about it yet, that I better get started!
Nanny gave me the loan of her old mixer - which I had to stop using mid-way through as it was smoking and filling the kitchen with a very worrying smell - and that was before I'd even started baking!! But we have got there eventually and some cookies are cooling on the rack which I bought today! Once they are cooled I will try one to see if they are edible, and if they are I might attempt icing and decorating them tomorrow!
But I learned some new things this evening that most of the ladies who live in blog-land would already know, but I am only discovering now!
- A cup is actually a precise measurement in America!! It does not mean use a random cup from the cupboard and take a chance.
- Mixers that have been in storage for 15 years shouldn't be put straight into action.
- You need to grease your tray before you put your cookies on it, otherwise they stick!
- What I think is 1/4 inch thick is actually closer to 3/4 inch thick - we had a few very fat cookies ready to go before I realised they needed to be thinner, and more of them!
I am sure there is at least one person reading this who is thinking 'How on earth did she not know these things!' If they turn out ok I might hazard a photo of them on here my Darling, so you can see for all posterity your Mummy's first attempt at baking!
You just made my day, and oh, how I needed the smile! Thank you, friend!
I loved reading about your inaugural baking experience, and although I am sorry about your mixer mishap, I had to smile just picturing the panic that must have ensued! I also loved your list of learnings, and confess I could relate to each one...except for the "cup" measuring part...but if it's any consolation I don't have a clue as to what a liter equals!
Thanks again for the story. I hope your cookies are delicious, but if they're not quite as perfect as you'd like them to be, I'm sure Baby Kay would be happy to use them as a teething bisquit!
Blessings to you today...
I really like Mennonite Girls blog too. They have great recipes!
I'm not the best baker either, but I think cookies are best to start with.
Have Fun!
It's ok, we all have to start somewhere. None of us are born knowing how to cook, and if our moms didn't encourage us to be in the kitchen with them, we couldn't learn that way either.
I can certainly understand why you would think 1 cup = a cup! And, as an alternative to greasing the cookie sheet, you can always use parchment paper.
As bright as you seem, you'll probably be hosting your own cooking blog once you catch onto cooking!
Love reading about your baking experiments!! There's another really good cooking site out there called Pioneer Woman Cooks or something like that. I'll try and get it posted on my blog so you can connect with it. She's wonderful...always has great photos to go along with every step of the recipe! I've tried a few and they're great. I love the Mennonite blog as well! Been reading them for quite awhile also. Hope your day was great!!!
You will have so much fun perfecting your baking. Before you know it, Baby Kay can be your little helper.
Shortbread are yummy. You should try baking biscotti. They are simple to make and great for dipping in tea.
Have a fun day enjoying the fruits of your labor. Geez, why do I write these odd comments? At least I didn't write the first thing that came to my mind--A cup by any other name would drink as sweet...I need to step away from the computer!
Oh Fiona - you certainly made me laugh with this post!! I love to cook but I too am not a baker. I don't like measuring just like "eyeing" my ingredients. I learned the hard way that "eyeing" doesn't work in baking. I do have a great recipe for chocolate chip cookies that I would be happy to share with you if you want - they are easy peasy and quite yummy! Hope you are enjoying your "fat" shortbreads - I'm sure they are yummy! Take Care!
First of all, how is ANYONE suppose to be able to resist Amelie's cute little face appearing on their blog roll?? I surely couldn't!! She is so precious, Fiona. She just makes me smile!!
I have to admit that I laughed reading your baking trials!! I just love that you included it for Amelie, too!! You'll get it though, just keep baking!! I'd rather bake than cook, even though I don't eat sweets!! Weird, huh?
Thanks for the grins and for just being you!! I enjoy you so much!!
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