Thursday, 12 February 2009

Thursday again!

Darling Baby Kay, today has been a busy day on so many fronts. We were all up early this morning so Daddy could look after you while I was at my osteopath appointment. We take you over with us and you play happily on the floor with the toys while the osteopath works his magic. Daddy was there last week and this week it was my turn. I have had some stiffness in between my shoulders (a combination of bad posture, lifting a wriggly baby and not sitting in a good position when sewing, reading or typing!) but that is now all sorted. My back is achy this evening, but it is just the muscles adjusting and tomorrow I will be better than I have been for ages. It is like a 6 monthly MOT!!

When we got back we had L&I over for lunch. We haven't seen them since Baby N's birthday party, and in those 2 weeks Baby I has grown 3 new teeth! It is so strange to see her wee smile with the teeth showing through. They stayed for a few hours and only headed when it was time for you both to have your afternoon naps. It is so funny to see the 2 of you playing together - it is clear you recognise each other, but once the initial pulling of jumpers and squealing stops then you both get on with playing by yourselves and trying to take toys off one another when you realise the other has something you had forgotten was on the floor.

You have also spent a lot of today standing up against the settee - you are trying a few wee tentative steps, but they are almost accidental rather than because you realise it will help you move along the seats. Every day I prop you up and let you tiddle about for a bit, until you get tired or decide you want to do something else. I have to stay close by as you are apt to just let go and keel over backwards like a tree - you don't bend your knees, or drop to your bottom - you just push back from your arms and lie back!! I was able to get a picture of you though before you decided you were finished with your standing about for the day!

I have also sorted out the fabric I want to use for your quilt - so this is the first picture of it - before a bonnet is cut or a needle has been threaded! I am going to do SunBonnet Sue designs in pink and blue florals - with a lemon gingham back. I have sorted through lots of little bundles that I have had in my scrap bag for little dresses and hats, and only tiredness this evening is stopping me getting the scissors out. I have done that before, and started something in haste and excitment, and regretted it over the next few days as I realise I was making mistakes because I couldn't be a little more patient!

I am really looking forward to using the last of the bunnies fabric too.

This will be the 3rd quilt it has gone into - and all for wonderful little girls! I will start tomorrow with my template cutting and begin the long process of putting this quilt together for you my darling x


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to see the quilt. I hope you take pictures throughout the process.

akawest said...

Look at her!!! I am talking aloud. Now I know I am losing my marbles. Yikes! I am so excited to see Baby Kay standing. I want to be there to share in the first steps excitement.

Oh, oh, oh, can you believe your baby will soon be a toddler? Maybe there is term for new walkers. Toddlers are older?
Whatever the official term, it is exciting.

The fabrics are so pretty. The bunny print is as sweet as can be. You are truly amazing. When do you find the time to sew?

Lois Christensen said...

I so remember when my two would start to get themselves up and hold on to the couch and especially the coffee table and move around it. It was so much fun to see them and seeing your little one do the same brought back many memories. This makes me sound really old, right? LOL! Hope you had a great day!!!

BECKY said...

So...How is my sweet friend across the ocean today? I so look forward to visiting you, and reading about your day with precious Amelie!

She will be walking soon, and it is so much fun!! It will also give your back a break... It will also keep you busier!! Oh now you've brought back some heart-warming memories!! :o)

I love the fabric you chose for her quilt!! I can't wait to see it evolve!! Sunbonnet girls are too cute!!

I better go...I'm quite tired...Our little Keepers at Home Club had their Valentine's party here today and the girls were really wound up!! I'm pooped!!

Joy and Hugs to you, Fiona!!

Lorri said...

Her quilt is going to be lovely. Cant wait to see it. Hope you have a great weekend. Do you celebrate Valentine's Day in Ireland??? Not sure if this is a world wide thing or not.

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Please keep taking pictures as your quilt progresses--I am looking forward to seeing it in all the stages!

Babykay is going to be walking before you know it--and then running. Then the fun really begins!

Elena said...

Oh this post takes me back to when Mary was that age. It is like you blink and they are running around. I know how it is at this age with lots of bumps and tears when learning their balance. Such a sweet picture of her standing. What a big girl she is! Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing the progress on your quilt.

A House FULL of Grace said...

First, I'm glad that your back is in tip-top shape. Isn't it amazing how carrying little ones the day to day things of life can throw us completely off-kilter?!

It is so fun to see Baby Kay standing...she looks so proud of herself! I find it amazing that babies play side-by-side for so long and then all of a sudden it just clicks and they start playing together and I wonder "how did that happen?" Baby Kay will be there before you know it!

And I'm needing to get as motivated as you are to start my quilt. I love the fabrics, especially the pink bunnies. It's neat that you have also used it for some other special little'll be able to tell Baby Kay all about them when she admires her lovingly made quilt!

Have a great day!