Darling Baby Kay, the snow came!! Not a huge amount, but enough to make everything look lovely and wintery for the day! This was the view from our bedroom window out over the fields at the back of the house, about 8.00am after the sun came up!
We had a wee play-date today with R&E who we haven't seen since our last ante-natal class reunion. E is 4 weeks older than you, and you both had a lovely time wriggling around on the floor. You kept watching her in fascination as she took off crawling across the mat and into the dining room, and even when she was pulling herself up to walk along the edge of the settee, but you weren't tempted to join her. R and I had a really great chat, talking about those first early weeks that went past in a blur, when we felt like we would never get then hang of being a Mother, and which now seem like they can't have been that tough - can they? Mother Nature has a wonderful way of gently pushing those those things out of our heads to leave space for all the amazing things that come along to take their place!
And, after Daddy declared last night that one of the cooled shortbread cookies was pretty good, I went the extra step and lemon iced them! I have added a wee picture of them here on a gorgeous plate I forgot we had! The girls in Poland gave Daddy and I this serving dish and 6 little dessert plates to go with it when we got married, and I have been doing what I always say I am going to stop doing - which is keeping things for 'good'. I haven't been bowled over by them myself (when you love biscuits and cakes as much as me, you are setting the bar quite high before you even start to make your own!) but they will do for now. Maybe they might benefit from a little ketchup though! You never know!
Thanks for linking to my blog -- I'm honored!
I LOVE the picture of Baby Kay watching the snow fall, the look of wonder on her face is priceless. How fun that she responded just as you thought she would. I'm sorry she has the sniffles again. Lydia does too. As I was wiping her little nose this morning, I thought of your post last week when you were feeling sad for Baby Kay who was struggling with a little cold then. They do catch so many things when they're babies as their immune systems are growing stronger.
Your cookies turned out beautifully (and the plate complements them perfectly)! I think you should be proud and hope you'll try another confection again soon. Your post title today was perfect!
Blessings to you...Sara
She looks so intrigued! Plus you cookies look beautiful. Definately points for apperance
Im so jealous of you! I wish we had snow! It is nearly 70 degrees here today. I would like to have the recipe of the cookies you made they look wonerful! Stay warm and have a happy day.
Hey! How are you doing! I love your photo of Baby Kay watching the snow fall - how precious! She is such a little cutie pie! Where do you guys live? I was thinking in the states, but I wasn't sure with the reference to Poland. And, the cookies with the lemon icing look awesome! Could you send me a couple? Just kidding, but they sure look mighty good :O). You have a blessed week also!
Hey! How are you doing! I love your photo of Baby Kay watching the snow fall - how precious! She is such a little cutie pie! Where do you guys live? I was thinking in the states, but I wasn't sure with the reference to Poland. And, the cookies with the lemon icing look awesome! Could you send me a couple? Just kidding, but they sure look mighty good :O). You have a blessed week also!
Your cookies look lovely! They're making me hungry. :) I'm really enjoying your sweet blog.
Yeah! You finally got your snow. Baby Kay does look fascinated. She is so cute.
Biscuits are cookies and cookies are biscuits, eh? Whatever they are called, they are my favorite sweet, which is why you would not want me in your house with that plate of pretties. Yours look yummy.
I hope Baby Kay is feeling better soon.
Hi Fiona!! Sounds like a comfort food night in Ireland!! I love having soups and stews when it's cold. We froze here in Florida last night and I think we will again tonight. Not good for the citrus and fern industry here!!
Amelie looks soooo intrigued with the white blanket outside! How very sweet! Through a child's eyes!! The way God wants us to see Him!!
Til Tomorrow!
This is my first time visiting. The pictures of your little one are SO cute. If you ever hear of a cutest baby contest . . . my goodness, you should most definitely enter :) Thanks for sharing such precious pictures. It brings back wonderful memories of when my own were little.
Aww, I"m sorry she's not feeling well and couldn't go out to catch snowflakes on her little tongue. Next year she'll be old enough to play in it :-)
Your cookies look so good and pretty! The serving dish is gorgeous. I do think I'll pass on the side of ketchup to go with them, though ;-)
What an adorable picture of Baby Kay looking out the window at the snow!!! It's priceless! I remember my two when they were little loving the snow and not being able to wait to get out in it. Now the 16 year old just sits inside but the 11 year old still loves it!! The cookes look so good, so professional!!! I love shortbread, it's one of my favorite!! Hope your evening goes well...see you tomorrow!!
Thanks for linking me on your blog!! I'm happy I found you too!
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