Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Darling Baby Kay - I have been tagged by lovely Heidi and Lisa for 2 different things - so I am going to copy Lisa's idea and cover both them in one and hope that both ladies are good with that!!

I have to come up with 7 secrets (!!!) and 7 things I love - and let's just say the second 7 are likely to be much easier than the first!!

1. I have a tattoo and had my navel pierced (although I no longer have the ring in.) I was young and foolish once and now have permanent proof of it.

2. The only job I ever had that I really loved was working in a bookstore one Christmas when I was 20. I would do it again at the drop of a hat.

3. I would rather be 2 stone lighter than £20,000 richer - although neither are realistic options to be honest.

4. I always thought that being a SAHM would be just an 'opt out' for women who didn't want to work any longer. Then I tried it and realised I love it, and it is work - we just don't get paid for it.

5. The first time I went to university I dropped out after 6 days - desperately homesick and scared. I re-enrolled at one closer to home the following year.

6. I can wiggle my ears!

7. I always thought I was sure about religion, and my Faith, and my spirituality, but now I have so many questions I regularly feel I am not sure about any of them anymore.

8. I love meeting friends for coffee and scones - and chatting about nothing in particular!

9. I love books - on anything, about anything, and since Baby Kay was born - with or without pictures!

10. I love chocolate. Far too much. Enough said. But if I was only allowed to have one type of food again for the rest of my life it would be pizza. Anything without pineapple or sweetcorn - both of which I like, but not on a pizza!

11. I love needlecraft of any description - but especially quilting and cross-stitching.

12. I love that I can come on here in the evenings and read the thoughts of so many amazing women - who all appear to live in the USA - and who I discover I care about after only having had e-contact with them for a few weeks. How does that work??

13. I love being at the sea-shore, especially on a cold day. We still have that wonderful pleasure ahead with Baby Kay for the first time and I am looking forward to it so much.

14. I love my darling husband - and my beloved daughter - so much that it takes my breath away when I think about it.

I really don't know that many people to tag for this - or as Lisa so eloquently put it - who wouldn't want to smack me for it - so I am leaving it open to anyone who would like to play along. I'd love to read your answers!


Heidi Pocketbook said...

I'm glad you could participate--I enjoyed reading your answers :-)

Anonymous said...

fun answers! - I have many of the same interests and questions as you - have a great day

akawest said...

Oh, it is so much fun to learn more about you.

#12-I talk about you to Gary, as if I have known you for years. I think he is used to me being odd, as he never comments.

Elena said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and interesting things about yourself. I enjoyed reading them and getting to know you better! Have a wonderful day. Elena

Anonymous said...

I saved this to go back and read when I had more time.

I love these things because you really feel like you get to know someone better.

I'll try and do at least one.

A House FULL of Grace said...

Dear Friend, I loved all your answers. Your vulnerability is precious to me and I am so thankful I am getting to know you better.

Haven't we all done foolish things in our youth (#1)(some of us just have more to show for it than others!)?

And haven't we all had opinions about things and not realized until after we've undertaken the task that we hadn't any idea at all about the truth of it (#4)?

Haven't we all questioned what we believe (some of us many times over) only to discover that ultimately our questioning doesn't really bother God that much, and in the end He loves us just the same(#7)?

And aren't we glad when we find people who love the same things we do (#8, #9,#10 & #13)?

And aren't we thankful for the friends we find in the most unexpected places (#12)?

I guess by "we" I actually mean "me"...and I think it's really cool that you can wiggle your ears!

Have a blessed day! ~Sara

Lois Christensen said...

Love your answers!!! And I absolutely love chocolate on pretzels, sad you don't! Love the ocean as well! But don't go in it anymore. It was great getting to know more about you!