Thursday, 26 February 2009
A Wish for my Children - Evangeline Paterson
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Is that all??
You had great fun emptying all the toys out of the toy bucket, and then putting your head right into the bucket to shout! I am not sure whether you just like the noise and vibration, or whether you are letting me know that you aren't impressed that there aren't more toys in the bucket! Fortunately you have just as much fun putting all the toys back into the bucket and then starting all over again. Your new game is building your blocks - you are starting to understand how to balance them, but we seldom get a tower of more than 5 built because you get too excited about it and knock them all over again!
This evening J next door had invited us in for dinner since Daddy is away. She had made the most delicious lasagne, salad and bread - and you had great fun playing with R&N. Little N can't say your name properly and calls you 'Amby' which sounds so sweet. She also thinks it is very exciting that when she holds her hand out to you and says 'Ta..' you will give her whatever you are holding. At 2 she feels quite the big girl beside Baby Amby!!
You are fast asleep now, after a bath and your bottle, and I will be following you very soon! Tomorrow night will be great - Daddy will be home and we will all be together again! Can't wait!
Monday, 23 February 2009
11 months!
Saturday, 21 February 2009
How happy am I!!!

Friday, 20 February 2009
Friday and Family
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Dear Daddy,
Did you know, Daddy -
1. The lovely plant that sits on the floor by the French Doors needs to go onto a table or a work-top;
2. It only took me 5 minutes to head straight for the cooker and open the grill drawer - Mummy needs to find somewhere that stocks a lock for that;
3. Crashing into ankles is so much fun I wish I had known it earlier;
4. It is easy to cruise and read at the same time - I am a great multi-tasker at 11 months!
5. All the drawers and cupboards need locks - I can reverse and go sideways too so even the ones in the corner are easy to get to now.
6. Drying the tea towels on the radiator is a thing of the past - unless you would like me to wipe the tiles with them for you instead?
7. I am a MUCH happier bunny now that I can see everything Mummy is up to, and Mummy doesn't even have to sing all the time now! Lucky for everyone that!!
Only one more sleep Daddy - I can't wait to see you to show you all the new things I can do - and Mummy can't wait either! We love you x x
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Tired, but happier!
You were very tired today too - you just wanted to sit on my knee and suck your dummy at Jo Jingles (which is a first, you are not usually happy to be handled and prefer to be off doing your own thing on the mat with a cymbal or a drum!) but you had your naps today, and ate really well too, so I think whatever had you bothered is passing on. We just did lots of sitting on the sofa and in your case reading your books (and licking some of the pages - a new thing you have started!) You are not pleased at all at being left on your own, even if I need to pop to the loo, which is another strange development for you, before you were quite happy to entertain yourself.
J next door is going to lend me a baby-walker so that I can bring you into the kitchen with me to scoot about the tiled floor and we can keep each other company. It is tricky making the dinner when you have to pop back to the mat every 30 seconds to wave hello to you!! And if I stop singing at any point that I am out of sight I can be guaranteed you will shout!! I don't think I have ever sung so much in my life as I have over the last 10 days - and you would think that you might be fed up of the countless variations of Wheels on the Bus - but no, once more is never enough for you my darling!
Monday, 16 February 2009
The only way to travel....
You are very cross this evening and very unsettled little one - and have been for most of the afternoon despite your happy face in the trolley. I think it is the remains of the cold you had, but also I think I can see your other big front tooth starting to show through your gum and I think it may be bothering you. You have slept precious little today, and this evening you have only slept for about 45 minutes before waking again. We have tried Bonjela and Calpol, and cuddles and just about everything we know, but nothing is making you happy. I hope you get some sleep tonight, my darling and that the tears are just because you are tired and cross. It is so unlike you - I hope you are feeling more like your old self tomorrow.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Say hello, wave goodbye!
Recently it has been 'giving kisses' - you used to just lean your head over when people leaned in towards you to give you a kiss. Now instead you meet them face on with your mouth (and sometimes make a Mmmm noise at the same time!) You have also gotten the hang of waving to people over the last 2 or 3 days - waving hello, waving goodbye, waving at whoever is feeding you at your high chair, waving just for the fun of it. You are so delighted with yourself when you find something new like this!
This week ahead will be a quiet one (DV...) Daddy is off to Barcelona this week, so for some of it we will just be girls together. We have some things to sort this week - some birthday cards for Nanny, some fruit to puree for the freezer to go in your porridge in the mornings, and fit in some cleaning and housework somewhere too!!
I have finally got the first little SunBonnet Sue template cut and hand-appliqued - the first of a long line of flowery, sweet little girls for your quilt, so that (along with blogging!) will keep me focused in the evenings when you are in bed.
Another week older, more beautiful, and more precious to our hearts little darling. Sweet dreams x
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Sport Saturday!
We had some time out this morning - to Sprucefield for some shopping (and to buy a new iron as the old one has finally given up the ghost.) It was a good time to be out as the shops weren't too busy and we were able to get everything with minimum hassle! This afternoon was nice and relaxed - I got lots of quilting fabric unpicked and ironed ready for cutting, and am just taking my time and enjoying the process. I think that knowing I have no deadline, means I don't feel under any pressure to rush it, and I can really concentrate on putting love into every stitch for you.
Today is Valentine's Day too. And you sent your first Valentine card, although you are too wee to sign it - but I did it for you! It was to the first man in your life, the first man who loved you, who held you in his hands before even your Mummy did, and the man who I hope you grow up to marry someone just like. Your Daddy. I think he liked it :)
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Thursday again!
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
I have to come up with 7 secrets (!!!) and 7 things I love - and let's just say the second 7 are likely to be much easier than the first!!
1. I have a tattoo and had my navel pierced (although I no longer have the ring in.) I was young and foolish once and now have permanent proof of it.
2. The only job I ever had that I really loved was working in a bookstore one Christmas when I was 20. I would do it again at the drop of a hat.
3. I would rather be 2 stone lighter than £20,000 richer - although neither are realistic options to be honest.
4. I always thought that being a SAHM would be just an 'opt out' for women who didn't want to work any longer. Then I tried it and realised I love it, and it is work - we just don't get paid for it.
5. The first time I went to university I dropped out after 6 days - desperately homesick and scared. I re-enrolled at one closer to home the following year.
6. I can wiggle my ears!
7. I always thought I was sure about religion, and my Faith, and my spirituality, but now I have so many questions I regularly feel I am not sure about any of them anymore.
8. I love meeting friends for coffee and scones - and chatting about nothing in particular!
9. I love books - on anything, about anything, and since Baby Kay was born - with or without pictures!
10. I love chocolate. Far too much. Enough said. But if I was only allowed to have one type of food again for the rest of my life it would be pizza. Anything without pineapple or sweetcorn - both of which I like, but not on a pizza!
11. I love needlecraft of any description - but especially quilting and cross-stitching.
12. I love that I can come on here in the evenings and read the thoughts of so many amazing women - who all appear to live in the USA - and who I discover I care about after only having had e-contact with them for a few weeks. How does that work??
13. I love being at the sea-shore, especially on a cold day. We still have that wonderful pleasure ahead with Baby Kay for the first time and I am looking forward to it so much.
14. I love my darling husband - and my beloved daughter - so much that it takes my breath away when I think about it.
I really don't know that many people to tag for this - or as Lisa so eloquently put it - who wouldn't want to smack me for it - so I am leaving it open to anyone who would like to play along. I'd love to read your answers!
Monday, 9 February 2009
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Family Day
Friday, 6 February 2009
Show & Tell Friday

This week for Show and Tell Friday I am posting something that actually belongs to Baby Kay again! It is her wall planner - that hangs over her changing mat in her nursery. It is a lovely quilted, embroidered chart, which is very colourful and bright as you can see - and which can keep a very wriggling 10 month old captivated for the 90 seconds it takes to change her nappy - unless she has decided to pull it off the wall now that she can reach the bottom of it to grab!!
It has little felt boxes that are attached with velcro at the back so that you can change the day and date every morning for her. There is a little pointer to turn to the right season, one for the weather and a little table to show whether it is hot, warm, mild or cold outside! Baby Kay loves hearing what the position is every morning, and watches intently while we explain what day it is and what the weather is doing! Little wonder she is a weather forecast addict!!
It is just a very sweet way of starting her daily routine - and we look forward to the day when she is a little bigger that she will be able to tell us what the day is, or decide what she wants the weather pointer to point at!
The planner is also special for another reason - we had this planner a long time before we had our darling daughter, or were finally decorating a nursery for her. My husband took me to Stratford-upon-Avon a few years ago, and we saw it in a shop. He had taken me over for the weekend to see the RSC production of Coriolanus, and before we flew back to Belfast we had been browsing in the gift shops. When I saw this I loved it, but I felt that it wasn't right to buy it when our baby plans hadn't materialised as we had hoped. My darling husband didn't agree. He bought it for me and said at the time that we would put it away, and when the time was right we would have our baby, and then we wouldn't regret not having got the little planner we liked. His faith that it would happen, and his love for me and his baby - who we didn't have yet, and wouldn't have for some time to come - has been something that has sustained our family through many tough times.
One of the happiest days of my life was getting it out of it's packing this time last year and pressing it to hang - with my big pregnant bump getting in the way of the ironing board, and not quite believing it had really happened! Just exactly the same way I feel when I look at our daughter asleep each night before I go to bed and can't quite believe she's ours.
Hope everyone has a great Friday and a lovely weekend!
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Snow and Icing!!
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Trying something new!!
Now, as you and I both know little darling, Mummy can do some basic cooking things. But Mummy can't bake, and has never ever tried!! It always looked so daunting and involved, with so much capacity for a disaster. Well, I saw the loveliest recipe for shortbread cookies a few weeks ago on this blog, and it only had a few ingredients and very straightforward instructions. So I thought - since my New Year resolution is to learn to bake, and since I haven't done a thing about it yet, that I better get started!
- A cup is actually a precise measurement in America!! It does not mean use a random cup from the cupboard and take a chance.
- Mixers that have been in storage for 15 years shouldn't be put straight into action.
- You need to grease your tray before you put your cookies on it, otherwise they stick!
- What I think is 1/4 inch thick is actually closer to 3/4 inch thick - we had a few very fat cookies ready to go before I realised they needed to be thinner, and more of them!
I am sure there is at least one person reading this who is thinking 'How on earth did she not know these things!' If they turn out ok I might hazard a photo of them on here my Darling, so you can see for all posterity your Mummy's first attempt at baking!
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Ready for bed, but fighting it!
Monday, 2 February 2009
Let it snow!!
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Saturday Swimming!