Monday, 6 April 2009

Smiling and shouting, lots of shouting....

Darling Baby Kay, today has been quite mixed here - you have had lots of smiling and laughing and toddling along behind your little block truck and walker (with Mummy holding you from behind!) There has also been lots of shouting. And I mean LOTS of shouting!

This is a recent development - you were doing it a little bit on and off over the weekend and I wasn't sure what it was all about. You make this high-pitched, shrieking noise and stiffen your arms, with your brows down and waggling your hands about with your fingers pointed - just as if you are having a meltdown about something someone has said or done. If you are pointing at something you want to play with and I don't guess right and bring you something else we get the shriek and the point. If you are on the floor and it is time to be standing up, we get the shriek. If you are finished with your lunch instead of just refusing your spoon which is your usual form, we get the shriek.

I am trying to breathe deeply and ignore the fact that the noise goes straight for the fillings in my back teeth. I am trying to tell myself that you are frustrated, and that once the babbling starts to form words, and once you are on your feet yourself that the shrieks will subside. Having said all that, those little roaring red cheeks today make me suspect that another tooth is on it's way! I am hoping that when you get up tomorrow morning you'll have forgotten how to make that noise!!

Sweet dreams little darling x


akawest said...

Would it be sadistic to laugh at your discomfort? That said, you are correct in thinking that this stage will soon end with words, and steps. Besides, you need something to laugh about years from now.

Elena said...

My dear little Mary did that too! She out grew it:) I think little girls have a special pitch that only they can reach! Amelie's smile just warms my heart. Such a sweetie! Have a blessed Easter week. Your friend, Elena

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Oh, THOSE kind of SHRIEKS--the ones that nearly make ones head pop open? In case she reverts back to this after she learns to speak, I suggest the phrase "Use words, please."

Not that either of my daughters ever used the SHRIEK, lol ;-)

Wishing you a week full of fun☺

BECKY said...

Fiona, sweet friend, there is something so delicious about how you write!! I really think you should seriously consider writing professionally at some point! Really!!

I don't believe any of my girls shrieked, but I must laugh at the comments about your back fillings!! LOL!!! I'm sure she will outgrow it. Ignoring it whenever you can will probably hasten that.

You bless me so much, sweet friend.
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

laughing - wait till she does it in the car. :) Ahh, precious little ones

Jaime said...

Girls learn early how to test the waters so to speak. I can only offer my opinion and suggestion but I have no clue how she may react because again all of us have been made special and we all take things differently. I had always found with Lindsey that if she did this when she was young I would completely ignore it and act like I didn't hear her. Instead I would do something that my sister in law did when she was visiting with her little ones. Sign language for please and thank you with her babies as young as 6 mo's old. Just placing their little hand over their chest in a circle motion and then pointing to what they want. (please) and putting their hand to their mouth for thank you. After a while Lindsey would run around the house and rub her stomache or chest a lot and point. But guess what ... no more screaming or fits. It may take some time but don't give up .... You will find a way to help her express her feelings. You are a great mom. Loving thoughts... Jaime

Anonymous said...

I'm imagining this is where you learn patience. Hopefully this screaming is a brief phase and she'll grow out of it soon.

For an onlooker, it is pretty funny though.

A House FULL of Grace said...

Little Miss Amelie has discovered she has a will and she is learning to use it. How fun that she is using her block truck and toddling about. She'll be off and running in no time.

As for the shrieking, I feel better when I shriek too, but I suppose that doesn't give me license to do it. I'm with Jaime. Pull out those wonderful signing books Lisa sent you and get that girl 'talking.' Please, thank you, hungry, thirsty, bath, yes and no are easy and basic and may save your sanity (and a few dental bills!).

It will get easier once she starts walking and talking...she is desperate for independence. She appears to know what she wants, she's just not capable of it yet. And who of us aren't exactly the same way?!

Love across the miles today, dear friend. Thanks for sharing Baby Kay's stages with us!

Bridget said...

Oh that screaming - it will get you every time!!! Hope your sweet pea has quieted down today:) and you are enjoying some peace! As always she lloks so adorable - screaming and all:) Hope this message finds you well!