Monday, 20 April 2009

Ready to catch!

Darling Baby Kay, we have been blessed this weekend and today with such amazing weather, and have been making the most of it. We had a long walk this morning together and while you are fast asleep upstairs Mummy is sitting on the settee wondering how she can have so many sore bits of her body that she didn't even know were there this time yesterday! We saw the sheep out in the fields, and you were tickled pink to hear the lambs bleating - much better than Daddy and Mummy's attempts when you are pointing out the pictures in your wee books!

Nanny and Grandad have gone to Enniskillen for a few days break, and they are getting the most incredible weather for the Lakes. I hope they get a chance to go to Florence Court when they are down in Fermanagh. Daddy and I went there a long time ago to celebrate our birthdays, before you were born, and when you are bigger we will take you there to see the beautiful house, and you can learn for yourself what a Ha-Ha is!!

This photo was taken last week when we were up at Nanny's for lunch. You like the feel of her leather settee (ours is just plain fabric!!) and it is a great height for you to stand up and play against - I kept telling Nanny that she didn't have to stand behind you, and that you were getting so much better at not pretending to be a great redwood tree collapsing in the forest - but she wasn't convinced. I think that is a Nanny's job - to always be there to catch you, even if you don't fall!!


Kristen said...

Baby Kay is such a cutie pie. I love the pictures you post of her.

Gilbert, AZ

Lois Christensen said...

Third attempt to leave a comment! Love the picture of Baby Kay standing and your mom behind her!! Not wanting her to fall is so precious! What in the world is a ha-ha????

Jaime said...

Great pic. I also am curious about the Ha Ha??... When I am texting to my friends we often let each other know we are laughing by texting Ha Ha. It will be funny to know what we were saying this whole time. Have a great day Fiona. You are an amazing friend. Jaime

akawest said...

You make life sound so magical. Note to Baby Kay: Your mum is the best in the entire world. Her love is so strong, that it is evidenced in easily in blog posts. You are a very lucky little girl. Save this for referencing during adolescence!

Redwood tree, indeed! My mother was exactly the same way. We have a video to prove it. Allie is sitting on a stool, while my mom keeps her hand poised for action. The entire time I am trying to film my one year old child, not appreciating the hand, and of course, being more verbal than one should be in the situation.

BECKY said...

I just love seeing little ones develop confidence in standing and walking! It is such a blast to watch!!

Amelie looks so long in this photo!! She is getting so big, Fiona!! Can you stand it??!!
You'll have to take a video of her walking for all of us to see!!

Blessings to you lovely lady!!