Friday, 8 May 2009

What are you up to???

This is the face you make, little darling, when you have done something you really know you shouldn't be doing. Like scooting over to your high chair to try to pull all the bibs out of the bag underneath, or not actually eating all the pieces of mandarin orange in the little dish and putting them over the side of the chair. Or when you have been pulling the little pop-up butterflies out of the back of your caterpillars pop-up book! The list is endless and I reckon that it's a face I am going to get pretty good at spotting!

We have had a great day despite the horrible weather. We went up to the farm tonight with Daddy to see Uncle G and Auntie P who are home from Canada for a fortnight - well, Toronto is really their home now, but we consider them home when they come back to see us! You were a little strange with them at first, but once you had seen Uncle J's new little cocker spaniel puppy, Ben, and had your dinner, then you were dead on. You even did a little bit of walking up and down in the conservatory with Auntie P.

We are all set for a busy weekend - Daddy has golf tomorrow (and we are hoping for a dry night and morning!), and tomorrow afternoon I am going to have a pedicure, something that is long overdue bearing in mind I am digging out my toe-posts and hoping for some sunshine! Hopefully we will get to see lots more of Uncle G and Auntie P too!


Heidi Pocketbook said...

♥What a girl♥

Toe posts..are those what we call flip flops over here?

Hope you all have a lovely weekend☺

Jaime said...

Well, hope hubby has a great time golfing. Patrick was in a 3 day firefighter golf tournament and came in 3rd place... YAY... I'm praying for good weather (dry weather) for your hubby's golf day.

Have a great time with your pedicure. You deserve it!!! Nothing like having some attention paid to your toes.

Amelie's little suspicious looks are cute. Lindsey still has her same mischievous looks ... up and to the right with the eyeballs and and bites her lip. Got her every time. I just tell her I can read minds... ha ha

Much Love - Jaime

Sarah said...

Hee hee (giggling) ~ I did have some qualms about labeling the post as frivolous and unnecessary because in my book she was *absolutely essential* to my birthday happiness.

I must confess I've been having an absolutely delightful time fitting out her cradle with sheets etc. I even made a mini-cradle for her little dolly. I'll post all when I'm done.

I will soon branch out into making the dolls're comment helped move me from thinking about making, to researching making, and I did design and make a little textured cuddle baby to send a new niece.

I'm still pondering a few other aspects of dolls, such as cradles and such. It's so satisfying being able to whip out a teeny afghan or quilt in such a short amount of time!

Have a WONDERFUL pedicure tommorrow! I do wonder which color you will choose...

Amelie's little "I'm up to something!" face contains such sweet mischief, as if she really wants an audience for her gamboling. All the world is already her stage. :0)

May your weekend be restful, relaxing, and filled with family fun!

A House FULL of Grace said...

Love Baby Kay's face (and you will come to know it even better in the years ahead, I'm sorry/happy to say) -- and the coordinating high chair/walker/shirt are especially impressive! I can only imagine her delight over the puppy and can picture her practicing her newfound kissing skills on Ben.

Hope you have had sunshine and heat today and are properly showing off those beautiful toes. Enjoy your visiting and spread some good cheer from us.

Love to you all this weekend, dear friend. Happy American Mother's Day. Even though you don't live here, I think all your followers here would agree to give you honorary wishes because you are truly one of us!

Elena said...

I can see little Amelie is like most little sweeties her creating clutter:) How fun for her to play with a puppy. Mary just loves animals too. I hope you have a delightful weekend dear friend. Elena

akawest said...

Toe posts made me think of Heidi, since we are both tickled by all of the new words we are learning. I never knew there was a real term for those annoying thingies that prevent me from wearing flip flops.

Enjoy the weekend with your sweeties. I hope golf goes well. If Rod is anything like Gary, a good game puts him in a great mood.

BECKY said...

What a face!!! Little girls are the real sneaks you know?? My Mom told me that and with four daughters....I found it to be true!!

Sure would be fun to sit next to each other having a pedicure and sipping something wonderful and chatting it up!! Oh well, maybe one day!!

Happy Mum's Day Fiona!! You're a wonderful Mum!!


Alice said...

fiona, i love your blog! your love for your little girl is so apparent and i think it's marvelous! she knows she is so loved. happy mother's day tomorrow! you of all people deserve a wonderful day :O)