Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Watching the birdies!

Baby Kay at her happiest - eating her toast at the french doors, watching the birdies in the trees at the back of the house!

Darling Baby Kay, we had a lovely day today; it is Jo Jingles day, so off we went now that you are over being ill. We had a great surprise when we got there, as Daddy had slipped out of work and popped over to see us both, so he was able to sit in with us for the first 20 minutes of singing and dancing. It was wonderful for him to be able to see you enjoying it after all these months of me talking about it. You were even able to go and get your instruments yourself with me holding your hands for balance - so every day you get a little more confident and steady on your feet.

This evening I am going to catch up on my overdue emails, do a little reading, and no doubt have a few cups of tea, while Daddy watches the Champions League match (Arsenal v Man U!) Hope you are having sweet dreams little darling x


Sarah said...

I've been watching the birdies today too.......the flocks of sparrows take refuge on our back porch when the rain falls. I hope you're having a wonderful day ~ Jo Jingles sounds like fun!

A new blog look! Mummy has been busy! :-)

Elena said...

I love your new blog design! Mary loves watching the birds too. She loves to look our kitchen patio door and just talk away to them:) Have a wonderful day dear friend!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Wow, a lot has happened with you since I last dropped by. I'm glad your sweetie is feeling well again and enjoying those birdies☺

Lois Christensen said...

Love that she was looking at some birds while eating! Love the picture of her and daddy as well! Hope you're enjoying some nice weather. It's still raining here but hopefully the sun will peak through a bit!! Enjoy your day!

A House FULL of Grace said...

Baby Kay is looking like she longs to join her birdie friends. She will surely be keeping you on your toes once she is walking on her own and making escapes for the backdoor!

So glad Daddy Kay was able to surprise you at Jo Jingles, what fun for everyone!

Love to you across the miles...