Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Play-dates and new mates!

Darling Baby Kay - today we had N&J over for tea and cake, with their adorable little boy. They are a couple we met at our antenatal class in February and we have stayed in touch with them, but this is the first time we have had them over to the house. Like us they have had their little one later in life (though both have children from their first marriages), and like me they hope that another little one will bless their lives at some point in the future (DV). It was lovely to see them, in that wonderful way where you are not sure how things are going to work out but it ends up being more relaxed and comfortable that you could have hoped. We are going to try to do the same again in the New Year.

It is so funny to see you with another little baby. Baby A is 7 weeks older than you and racing about on his knees like a tiny steam train. You on the other hand were quite content to sit up on knees or on the floor watching him and sizing him up. You are much more vocal than he is (maybe that's a girl thing!!) and spent most of the afternoon babbling to anyone who would talk to you, or barging A with a growl when he tried to pull himself up on the furniture. You also managed to get a good handful of his hair on more than one occasion, which he took in a very gentlemanly fashion for someone of only 10 months!!

I can see however we might have some issues with 'sharing' in the coming months - I don't want to be THAT mother, who people dread coming to Mother and Baby groups because their teeny weeny can bear wrestle any toy from any child! You are too sweet by half for that I know, but when you do that growl and drop your eyebrows to let me know you are cross then even I am not sure I would mess with you!!!

1 comment:

Lorri said...

Baby Kay is adorable! Have a happy week. Cherish all of these moments, they fly by quickly