Friday, 26 June 2009

Sunshine senorita!!

Nothing quite like sitting in the back garden with Mummy, my laptop, my xylophone, my gorgeous sunhat from Lindsey and Jaime, and having fun!!

Darling Baby Kay, we have had a busy few days whizzing about seeing our lovely friends and their new babies. We have fitted in shopping for some new trousers, and met Nanny and Granda for coffee this afternoon. Nanny has bought you some shorties PJ's because we are so ill-equipped for this amazing weather! You have lots of toes-in pairs to keep you warm, and usually I am putting you to bed and checking you are warm enough, but we are the other end of the scale - leaving your nursery window open, pulling the blinds to keep you cool. The shortie PJ's are very sweet, but suddenly you are a little girl and not a little baby anymore. It is strange the way sometimes I look at you and see my Baba, and other times you look at me and I realise you are 15 months old already, and well on your way to being a big girl!

Either way, sweet dreams my darling x x

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Sunny day!

Darling Baby Kay, we have had the most glorious weather today. You had your last Jo Jingles of this term - and your last session in the 'Babies' group. In September you move up to 'Toddling to Two' where you will go from being one of the biggest to one of the smallest again! You had a great time at today's class, and everyone came home with a big balloon to play with. You are very suspicious of yours - anything new, or different has to have the required period of close surveillance, without actually touching, before you eventually warm to it. We got you a light plastic football to play with in the garden and you were not sure about that at all at first! Now you are quite happy to push it about and squeak your fingers over the plastic surface!

You have also managed to put the backside clean out of 2 little pairs of trousers this week, from all your bum-shuffling around the floor and the back garden. I am looking forward to you getting onto your feet, if for no other reason than to save the rest of your wardrobe going the same way! You get very excited about being out the back with Daddy, and love having your bare feet in the grass, or pick up little sticks and stones. Now when Daddy gets home from work in the evenings, no matter what the weather you point to the french doors and will not rest until he has taken you out the back for a walk about.

Tomorrow we head up to Belfast to see K and Baby N, who is almost 4 weeks old, and then on Thursday it is off to Carrick to see K and Baby J. It is all go at the moment on the baby front, and this is lovely weather to be bringing them into - lots of lovely days to go out in the pram. Nanny and Granda are back from Bristol from seeing Baby M, and we will try to see them on Thursday too, to see any new photos and hear how their trip went! A busy few days ahead for a little princess!!

Sweet dreams my darling x x

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Hello to Daddy!!

Dear Daddy, tonight you are in Barcelona and I am writing my own blog entry this evening for Mummy! We have had a lovely day together - my favourite parts were when Mummy lost the shampoo bottle down the back of the bath and had to go crawling around the floor looking for it, and my yoghurt that I had after my dinner! I have been in bed for about 40 minutes and am sleeping soundly while Mummy catches up on visiting her blog-friends and keeps an eye on the sweet potato and beef casserole that she is making for me for dinner tomorrow! We are both really looking forward to having you home again and starting our weekend together,

Love Baby Kay

PS I didn't get myself locked in the car today or anything else daft like that!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Crazy sort of week....

Darling Baby Kay, it has been a crazy few days for us here. Everything is relative of course, and my crazy is nowhere near as chaotic and stressful as some of the tough things other people have been going through, but it has been crazy by our standards!

Today, for example - you managed to lock yourself in the car, with my handbag and housekeys (my fault entirely for letting you hold the car keys while I walked round the car to open the other door and get the shopping out.) After a few minutes of blind panic (me) and smiling and waving out of the car (you), and then going to introduce myself to one of our neighbours I have never met before, the wonderful J who lives 2 doors up, the situation was sorted. He offered to drive the 50 miles round trip to get Daddy's keys (which was not going to work as he was golfing and we couldn't get him on his phone), he called the police to find out what we should do, he called his friend to get him to get us a locksmith - who came and rescued you just about the time your patience was up and you had decided it really wasn't very funny any more. He was such a gentleman - and Daddy went over this evening to thank him for rescuing his girls today.

I have posted this picture of you which respresents the other side of how things have been going this week, and one of the wonderful, totally unexpected results we had earlier today, before the car episode. We have managed to switch you onto another dummy! This may not seem like rocket science, but you have been using the same brand and type since you were only weeks old, and though we had about a half dozen to begin with gradually they got ratty and ended up in the bin - but we had managed to hold onto 3 that were doing a great job up until 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago serious teething kicked in, and you have managed to puncture 2 of the 3. They went into the bin, and so there was 1.....

We have tried you on other ones which look and feel exactly the same but YOU KNOW that they are not your dummy!! After discovering the ones we were using are discontinued I had no idea how we were going to resolve it. Today when I went to give you the new brand of dummy (the 3rd new one we had given a chance....) you just smiled, took it, and cuddled up to your Moo, as if to say 'OK, I give up Mummy - this one will do.' You have gone to bed tonight with it very happily, and I will be going back to Boots tomorrow to buy 5 more exactly the same. For the rest of the teeth.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009


How on earth did I end up with so many bibs?

Darling Baby Kay - today we went to meet Daddy for lunch at the coffee shop near his work. It was great to have that unexpected time together in the middle of the day, and you were so excited when we pulled into the car park and you spotted Daddy waiting for us!! You had great fun afterwards with Mummy's water bottle as we went to do our grocery shopping, leaning out over the side of the trolley and dropping the plastic bottle over. It is quite funny (although I really shouldn't encourage you and try not to smile!) because in the second before you let go you brace yourself - you lift your little shoulders, screw up your eyes and open your mouth! - in anticipation of the splut when it hits the floor!!

And your latest word, little darling - 'Bick-bick' - which is your way of saying biscuit! You were practising this today while I was giving you your orange oat-cake for pudding, lots of pointing and 'Mama, bick-bick!' Unpacking all your bibs is still one of your favourite things to do when you are keeping me company in the kitchen when I am cooking!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Lunch with K!

Darling Baby Kay, we had a wonderful time this morning at Jo Jingles - you are really starting to get so much more out of it now that you can shuffle about and get yourself some instruments and toys when you want. O was very impressed at you doing the actions to Fancy Dance too - you had great fun!

We then headed over to pick up K from her mum's house in the Moy. She is over from England for the week and it is lovely to have her just up the road. I don't miss very many people from my years living overseas, but K is one of those people I miss very much. She was at our wedding, comes over regularly to see her family, and never misses a chance to call and see us or meet somewhere. She loves to see you, and you were not at all strange with her. You were even happy to sit with her and let her give you some of your lunch when we were eating out! Hopefully if the weather is nice we will be able to meet up again on Thursday and make the most of having her here for a while.

This evening you are fast asleep, and Daddy has headed up to the farm to give Granda B some bread for the hens, but I suspect it is more because he wants to see Uncle J's new electric golf trolley!!! Sweet dreams my love x x

Friday, 5 June 2009

Fancy Dance princess!

Darling Baby Kay - the rain has returned!! The good weather wasn't meant to last - this is Northern Ireland after all - but at least there is the promise of more on the horizon. It just means we have to play indoors rather than out in the garden - which you are not overly impressed with!! Every time you shuffle over to the french doors you bash on the glass (and then give it a little lick if you think there is no-one looking) and then point up to the handle. Getting wet is no reason not to be out there on the grass in your book!!

This weekend we will be taking things easy - Daddy is playing golf tomorrow morning, and after that we are just going to head out and see where we end up. You are so close to walking now, and love being out and about, so it is a perfect opportunity to get some fresh air with our wellies on and our brollies up! You are also all chatty at the moment - if we ask you to sing us a song you are happy to oblige with a wee made-up one from all the different sounds you know how to make.

You have also perfected all the actions to 'Fancy Dance' which we sing at Jo Jingles, and at home lots of times every day, and I sometimes find you doing the actions, in the right order on your own when you have just been sitting playing by yourself. Every day it is something new and exciting and wonderful little love! Sweet dreams x x

Wednesday, 3 June 2009


They're my beads and my teeth, so I can chew on this instead of my teether if I want!!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Sunny weather!

Darling Baby Kay, we have had the most amazing weather for the last 3 days - absolutely glorious sunshine, and not a cloud in the sky. You have had such fun in the garden, pushing your block truck outside, picking up the sticks on the grass, eating the grass and leaves (despite best efforts to stop you!) and sitting on a blanket reading with Mummy. You are sleeping so well too, partly I think from the fresh air, but also from the heat. At the minute the outside temperature is about 23 degrees during the day, but indoors it is closer to 27 degrees - which makes keeping your nursery cool for sleeping a little tricky. You are going to sleep in your baby-gro vests without any Jammies over the top - it is the only way to keep you cool enough I think.

It is wonderful to be able to get the washing out on the line to dry, and throw all the windows open and keep the air in the house fresh, but every time you see the french doors open you back a break for the garden - bum-shuffling across the floor and throwing your legs over the door-jam. You can't quite work out how to get over it yet, but it is only a question of time! Sweet dreams this evening little darling x