Wednesday, 10 December 2008


Darling Baby Kay, today you are sporting a very red scratch on your left cheek, just below your eye. If I was braver I would have another go at cutting your nails with the teeny-tiny baby nail-clippers, but having nipped you with them when you small I am not sure my nerves would cope with another try. I am not sure who cried more, but I think I pipped you at the post.

Instead I resort to trying to bite them when you are distracted with other things - easier said than done as you miss very little of what is going on around you, especially if it involves you! The problem is not so much your nails as your Moo! Auntie Jude bought it for you when you were born and He started going into your basket with you when you were only days old. When it become obvious He was going to be a permanent fixture we went and bought a second one in case He ever went missing in action. Your favourite game when you are trying to put yourself over to sleep is to put Him over your face, hold your breath, and then flap about like you are treading water in some invisible swimming pool that only you can feel - then you snatch Him off your face and laugh your head off while you get your breath back. You have done this for months now - it has to be seen to be believed - and this from the woman who spent the first 5 months of your life waiting for you to go to sleep so I could fish Him out from around your face in case He smothered you while you were asleep.

Grabbing Him off your face this morning you managed to catch your cheek - but I imagine you'll be right back at it tomorrow when I put you down for your nap. In the meantime I bit your nails as best I could this afternoon after you'd had your lunch - it took me nearly 40 minutes...


Bridget said...

Oh she is so precious! Lucy has a "lovey" that she can't sleep without -hoping we never lose him as I wasn't wise enough to buy another! Hope you're having a great week with your sweet girl !

Steffie B. said...

Foudn your blog through another...isn't that the way it always happens?

Well I must say that I just want to pinch those cute liitle cheeks Baby Kay has right now....adorable!