Saturday, 27 December 2008

An extra post...

Baby Kay, this is a second post this evening, as I have been surfing about reading other blogs and found something called 'Fill-in Friday' - and, in the words of the advert, I am going to do exactly what it say on the tin, so maybe you will learn a little more about me! The words in red are the ones I have filled in as my words to complete the sentences.

1. I must make sure I have made a difference before I die.

2. You can't stop growing older, so enjoy every moment you have.

3. I wish I never had to buy shop-made cakes or buns again.

4. Becoming a mother has helped me change my life.

5. I know the song Ladybugs Picnic by heart.

6. If I weren't so afraid, I would stop worrying about going back to work and just write the damn book.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to an early night with my girl, tomorrow my plans include a walk in the forest to feed the ducks and Sunday, I want to enjoy going to bed knowing that Daddy doesn't have to get up for work on Monday morning!

Good night my darling x

1 comment:

Janet said...

What a beautiful baby you have! Thanks for playing :-)