Darling Baby Kay - after unsettled sleep over the last couple of nights, with a sniffly nose and hot head, and just being out of sorts and not yourself - last night you gave me and Daddy an early Christmas present and slept right through from 7.30pm til 6.00am. You were awake at 6.00am like a little June bee, singing away to yourself and playing with Moo, until you decided it really was time to be up and at 'em at 6.40am and your busy day began for real. A wonderful 11 hours which gave me and Daddy our first full nights sleep for a few weeks!
I was talking about it with Auntie K this evening, who is over for a few days with Baby E and Baby S - and we agreed that for every 'turnip' night you little babies have, you also throw in a little 'peach' every now and then. And even when it is the odd turnip, I wouldn't trade for one minute sitting with you in the nursery on Tuesday night in the half-light, cuddling you and being with you, and trying to make you feel safe and special - just you and me. But another 'peach' tonight wouldn't go amiss if you feel like it!! x
Butterscotch Brownies
3 years ago
She is adorable! Enjoy every minute of this precious time in your life. It flys away very swiftly.
What a Beauty!!! LOVE those cheeks:)
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