Sunday, 21 December 2008

1 wise man

Darling Baby Kay - today we went to church to see the Sunday School Nativity play, one of my favourite days in the year. We only managed to get to the shepherd's in the fields watching their sheep though, before we had to beat a hasty retreat. Usually you are pretty good in church, and I try not to sneak you out unless we really have to - people are very patient about you wanting to sing and shout along in all the wrong places - but today the teeny weenies at the front were trying so hard to do their lines and it wasn't fair on them to have you and I doing our own little performance at the back of the church once you had decided that today's service was going to be all about you!!

The little ones were gorgeous - little boys in their tea towels and dressing gowns, and little girls in their white shifts, and tinsel and coat-hanger halos! So very sweet. It got me thinking about my only ever appearance in a nativity play. I was 6, and desperate to be an angel - but being the tallest girl in our class, taller than most of the boys too in fact, meant I ended up being a Wise Man - funny in retrospect, but I was so sad about it at the time! I got to bring Myrrh, which didn't please me much either, as I had no idea what it was - and one day I will get Grandma to dig out the photo of us all together that day so you can see from my face and dropped lip how unimpressed I was with the whole deal!

I tell you this now my darling being you are already in the 91% range for height - despite me ending up at only 5"6, and Daddy being only 5"8 - so I suspect you might end up like Mummy and do alot of your sprouting when you are little. But take it from me Darling, you will make a great Wise Man if that's what happens!

O Come All Ye Faithful was the first hymn though, and we got to sing along with that before we left - which was just perfect!


Admin said...

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog and the nice comments.

Baby Kay is really adorable! I think it's very meaningful writing to her in a blog. She'd really appreciate what a wonderful mom she has when she is old enough to read all these.

Bridget said...

Oh Fiona-
Your little girl is so precious and just beautiful! I would love to squeeze those little cheeks! I just love this post-as Lucy also loves to sing at mass. We have a lovely choir and Lucy always likes to sing along-let's just say her voice isn't quite choir ready :)! Your sweet girl will be the prettiest wiseman ever! Lucy is also quite tall for her age - so although she was born in our hearts she is taking after her mommy and daddy who are both quite tall! Sounds like a wonderful Christmas tradition! I hope you and your wee family have a lovely Christmas and a blessed New Year! I look forward to following along with you in the new year! I'm glad I found your blog -everytime I see your sweet girl she brings a smile to my face!