Sunday, 27 September 2009

For Lisa x

A little photo of Baby Kay taken last week, modelling the lovely bolero cardigan her Auntie C knitted for her. Just to confirm that I am still alive and will get back to blogging properly this week!


Elena said...

What a beautiful sweater! She is so pretty and getting so big. Good to hear from you dear friend and I look forward to hearing more:) Hugs, Elena

BECKY said...

Hi Fiona!
Oh how I've been missing you and little miss cutie pie!! So glad that everything is ok and SO look forward to visiting regularly!!

Love to you, sweetie!!

BECKY said...

And the sweater is precious on Amelie!!


Heidi Pocketbook said...

It's so good to see you and your sweetie back☺ What a lovely sweater on a curly-haired toddler.